Monday 28 December 2009

3d Art Exchange Project (part 2)

What you see here is a sheet which shows various image compositions for a 3d house template which I decided to try to make using the tetra cartons which I had been saving from my cranberry juice breakfast drink.  I had tried these out for making single images to use as figurative elements previously.  I cant remember whether I have posted any on this blog but will check later.  I love the effect that one gets with these, it is unique to this material.  They have a kind of softness to them and the great thing is that you can scribe straight into them you don't need to prepare them other than clean the fruit juice off and make sure they are dry.

I used a drypoint tool and an etching needle to scribe the lines into the tetra carton.  I had previously made a blank of the house form to make sure the size and proportions were  correct and fitted together OK.    I seem to remember the first proof of the template came out horrible because the grey tone left by the black ink just didn't look good to me.

The one in the photo (second last from bottom) has been wiped with enormous pressure to get rid of the grey tone but I still wasn't happy.  So Idid another proof using warm red.
I didn't worry too much about the tone on this proof as its appearance to me added another quality to the house that I cant explain - it just looked good to me.

Then I had this thought -- uh uh I don't think this 'plate' will hold up to ten printings through the press I don't think it has the stamina - it will surely fall apart.  Drat and Blast !!  I liked it though and still do.  Oh well !! La dee dah !!

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